Mentorship Journal

#60 September 3: Zoom meeting, brochure edits – 1 hour 30 minutes

Thursday is LAG Day on Zoom, and they say you should never skip LAG Day, though we have had to cancel due to scheduling conflicts some weeks, and starting next week, we will push the time back thirty minutes to allow for greater availability. As today’s discussion was important to the progress of the course, I jotted down some action items for everyone to take before the next meeting. I, for one, need to send the latest revisions of the brochure to Josh so that we can finalize it soon. Liston needs to have a conversation with someone we want as our spokesperson for the program and he wants to be able to provide that person with the brochure. We had a discussion based on an e-mail Dr. Tiell sent about creating an advisory council for the ICC that would assist in the promotion of Life After the Games. Her thought was that Josh and Liston should be part of that committee (B. Tiell, personal communication, Sept. 1, 2020).

Meanwhile, Josh is to work with our collaborator on the Sport & Special Event Security certification on a few matters. Finally, we should all provide Liston with talking points for his conversation with the potential spokesperson. My task was pretty simple, I just had to send Josh an e-mail with the revised brochure and did so shortly after the meeting. That plus a submitted summary of the meeting led Dr. Tiell to respond, “we are quick and efficient” (personal communication, Sept. 3, 2020). Perhaps I am a little too efficient.