A thought that is undoubtedly going through the minds of many managers right now is what would happen if somebody on their staff caught the coronavirus and became unable to perform his or her job. It is problematic in particular when the person possesses some sort of knowledge that is critical to the operations of the business. Crosstraining and succession planning exist to minimize any potential disruption to core functions. Certainly, no one plans to go out and get sick so the scenario described above is a worst-case, but businesses have to prepare themselves for such drastic instances. While my term with the ICC is meant to be temporary, the organization will carry on with its mission long after I am gone.
For that reason, I have put together a quick reference tutorial for accessing the ICC website. It is a basic step-by-step guide that shows how to log into the site and view certain sections. I can show you what the screen looks like but obviously, I cannot give you information that would compromise the ICC in any way. Because it is in WordPress, the setup is the exact same as the personal site I am using. The document I created is very high-level and deals mostly with getting into the site, though I do summarize briefly how to add pages and edit content. At some point, we will probably need a more comprehensive review on making changes but for right now, this is good information without unnecessarily wading too much into the weeds.