
Week 1

I don’t care how experienced you are in your life, starting something new can be very intimidating because you’re trying to get a feel for what you should be doing and you want to do it well. It never gets easier over time, you just have to learn to adapt to the situation as best as you can and trust that it will all work out. So it is with that I begin another course in my Master of Business Administration program, this one on Communication and Fundraising in Sport. Based on the experience that I have had in communications and media, with some fundraising as well, it seems like the type of course that is right up my alley.

For the most part, it has been a smooth beginning. I was able to get a refresher on the origins of social media evolving to the time of publication where it was and still is commonplace for businesses to use these Internet platforms to connect with their consumers. I was also pleasantly surprised by how quickly it took me to repurpose this website to include several different blogs (officially, they are categories on the website) to meet the requirements for content on each. WordPress is great that way and I am happy with the switchover to that system. There are some other great things in the works as well, which I am not ready to discuss in full detail at the moment.

On the subject of discussion, we held one virtually today following a question-and-answer with a representative from the Haiti Olympic Committee. It was intended to be an open discussion, which I felt complicated things because someone else would be talking when I wanted to speak and I wanted to make sure that the person speaking could finish their thought without interruption. So I could not get a word in edgewise and I was very frustrated by that because it seemed like I was not participating in the discussion.

I feel better after talking to a couple of people who reminded me that it is the newness of the process. I just have to learn to be patient with it and in the meantime, enjoy the journey. With that, I’m off to work on that project I can’t tell you about yet.