Mentorship Journal

#95 November 6: Website edits, contact lookup – 2 hours

Well, here we are Friday evening, and still no word on a decision in the presidential election. The change in numbers has been few and far between today, so we are still in an intense wait-and-see approach although it seems imminent based on the media coverage that Joe Biden will win. With that, I turn to my ICC work. I got the go-ahead to update our website to include our new partners in this venture. Since the page is published, I think I am okay to identify who they are. We have Aliann Pompey, a four-time Olympic runner from Guyana, as the honorary chairperson for Life After the Games. Additionally, James DeMeo is part of the team as the person behind the Sport & Special Event Security certification. You can read more about both Aliann and James’ backgrounds on the website.

There was some difficulty with getting the profiles to match up like what was already on the page. Web design is not exactly my forte, so it took some work on my part to make it exactly how I wanted it. Felt like it should have taken longer than seventy-five minutes to edit the page, but I can surprise myself with how I figure things out. That does not mean something else will not need to change later on. For right now though, I am satisfied with what is on there, allowing me to move on with adding more contacts to my ever-expanding list. These are some nice ways to pass the time while we are kept in suspense here in the U.S.