Mentorship Journal

#94 November 5: Conference call, brochure edits, communication edits – 3 hours

Today is the first three-hour tour I have done for the ICC since August 20, buoyed by an effective Thursday meeting with clear plans of action as we move forward. I dialed in by telephone using Google Meet, which seemed to have fewer complications than Zoom for others on the call. This actually worked for me because I could continue to watch election coverage on CNN and no one would be the wiser. Not to worry, I had the sound on mute and managed to pay attention to the discussion. Dr. Tiell sent out an agenda earlier in the day and we went over each item. The gentleman who is coming on to handle the Sport and Special Event Security certification joined us briefly and we discussed progress in that department.

Part of today’s meeting was to go over revisions to the Life After the Games brochure now that we have our honorary chairperson. Dr. Tiell and Josh both had recommendations about changing the content in the brochure, which I have worked through and taken care of for the time being. I also drafted a message that will go out to the honorary chairperson that outlines topics to be covered during a special meeting to be held in a little over a week. So today was quite productive and it had to be since we continue to wait to hear who Americans elected as their president. This has become quite the week to be sure, and it is nice to have other projects to keep me occupied during such a holding period.