Tonight was spent looking up e-mails for each governing body for archery. There are 164 contacts that I could find so that right there was going to eat up some time. What made the process take really long though was the functionality of World Archery’s site. It will only show you the first few nations, then if you want to see more, you have to click a box. That is fine if you are early in the process, but it starts to become tedious the closer you get to the end of the alphabet. Even when you click on the page you want, you have to start at the very beginning if you go back. Definitely not efficient for looking up contact information on 164 archery associations around the world.
How I got around this was to open a new tab on my browser with the same website. I would use the original tab to go through my list and then on the second tab, I searched that specific nation and retrieved the data I wanted. This allowed me to click the back arrow without having to needlessly wade through what I already had. The problem is, I waited until I was nearing the end of the list so I did not get to use the improved system all that much. At least I know better now in case a similar situation happens to pop up in the future. Archery was only the third sport that I collected data on, which means plenty more to go through.