Mentorship Journal

#73 October 10: LAG course review – 30 minutes

I am spending a few minutes of this Saturday evening looking back through the Life After the Games course itself, collecting all the notes I had written about what I noticed, and sharing the assessment with Dr. Tiell, Liston, Josh, and Ron Lonzo. In my e-mail, I mention what an honor it truly was to be the first to try out the product and that it took me over six hours to complete on the first go-round. None of my notes indicate any errors in spelling, just other typographical errors and minor inconsistencies. I cannot begin to imagine what goes into planning and writing a course. I got the easy part, reading through the material and all. It had to have taken a lot longer than six hours to build.

There has been some other behind the scenes stuff going on with Life After the Games. Liston is having high-level conversations with someone in the Olympic community about coming on as our spokesperson. It is neat to have an insider’s knowledge of what is happening with this project. Through all the excitement, of course, I have to be very careful about what I disclose to the public, but I feel that years of experience in journalism and communications have prepared me for such an awesome responsibility. That is what’s so great about smaller operations like the ICC and my current employer, you tend to know a lot more. In fact, I know we have come a long way just from May when I began this mentorship and we are about to go even further.