I have sort of been stuck at just over 104 hours of performing all the tasks that I have documented in this journal. While that is great, it is still a long way from the 200 I need. So today, I made a conscious decision: the thirty minutes here and one hour there were no longer going to suffice. At fifty-four days to go before the mentorship ends, I need an average of 1.77 hours per day, which I might as well round up to an even two. The advantage I have is that there is nothing to distract me from accomplishing this outside of my full-time job. Thanks to COVID, the only places I am going to are work and the store, and I do not anticipate any trips far from home in the next seven weeks.
Additionally, after three years and several classes, this is the only thing left standing between me and a Master of Business Administration. Other than a few assignments for the mentorship course, I do not have any other projects to take me away from completing the necessary hours. In other words, I can devote my evenings entirely to the International Cultural Consortium. My first order of business under this new plan was to go through the Life After the Games course: again. There have been some edits made to the content, which Tiffin has placed on the Moodle platform it uses for distance learning. The objective is essentially the same as it was the first time, check for any abnormalities in the presentation. I am back in the game and enjoying it.