Mentorship Journal

#66 September 24: Zoom meeting – 1 hour

“This works. Brochure ready.”

Those words came from Josh at 9:05 last Friday morning, meaning the brochure promoting the Life After the Games program is finished, at least for now. We are moving ahead on some other plans as well, once those come to fruition, more changes will need to be made. These additional development were the focus of our Thursday meeting. As a group, we went over the marketing points that were intended for last week’s meeting, as well as the next steps now that the document is ready. The ICC can approach its contact about serving as an honorary chairperson. I feel that I cannot tell you who that is until those plans have been finalized but I can say that things are suddenly starting to move at a very fast pace.

One week from today will be the beginning of October, which puts me all the closer to when I am to finish this mentorship and ultimately my MBA. The thought is very exciting but also a little frightening. I am not quite to 100 hours yet and I need 200, so I am not halfway home. Which means I need to step it into high gear. Some events could not be helped. I essentially lost a week last month because the derecho storm knocked out power and the Internet. Generally, however, I feel I could have planned a lot better by seeking out more opportunities. As I have learned over time, it ultimately does no use to dwell on the past. I must now figure out how to tackle what is in front of me instead.