Mentorship Journal

#61 September 5: Brochure edits – 2 hours 30 minutes

I keep talking about the Life After the Games brochure and that is because we continue to work on it. Josh and I spent this Saturday afternoon e-mailing back and forth about further changes to the brochure. We have a section with two interlocking ringsā€“one has the ICC logo and the other Tiffin University to highlight the partnership between the two entities on this project. We just had the ICC logo without the International Cultural Consortium wordmark below it in one ring. Josh thought we should add the wordmark, so I grabbed the image I had and placed it in the software I am using. When I sent it back for his review, he wanted to see about turning the text in the wordmark red just like the rings (J. Henson, personal communication, Sept. 5, 2020).

I think I might have said before that Canva is a very nice software for designing brochures but when it comes to photo editing, it leaves a lot to be desired. This request desired a more professional product than what Canva offers. So I put $100 down on Adobe Photoshop Elements just so I could change the text color to red. It was worth every penny and quite honestly, I will probably use it again for other design work I may do. In other words, I will not charge the ICC for purchasing the software and just keep the license for myself. Any edits remaining will be very minor ones, that is how close we are to the finish line on this brochure.