I spoke last night about getting into the details of a work of art and that is exactly what is happening with this brochure. The first e-mail came from Josh at 1:47 this morning with an attachment including what the copy should read on one panel. Seven hours later, Dr. Tiell responds with changes to what Josh had written. Additionally, I needed to find an image of a medal that looks similar to what Josh drew and sent to me. What I ended up with was not exactly like that drawing but pretty close. I made all the changes then sent the latest copy over for review. It really does not bother me, that is what I am there for, to handle the edits, send those changes back, then repeat as necessary. We all want the Life After the Games program to look its best, whether it’s the actual content of the course or the promotional content of the brochure. So whatever needs to be done to make that happen, I am all for it.
All four of us are really the International Cultural Consortium at this juncture. We are the ones making this product happen, slowly but surely, and we are the ones going over each other’s work and providing comments to improve Life After the Games. It is gratifying for me to be a big fish in a small pond, so to speak, because I am not just doing a task, I have somewhat of a say in how it is presented. That is really all I could ask for.