After our Thursday meeting, I received a message from Dr. Tiell indicating that there had been nearly three hundred edits to the Life After the Games course, an “extremely high” amount. Her explanation to the marketing department at Tiffin was that several people were reviewing the program (B. Tiell, personal communication, August 6, 2020). Liston–technically, he’s Dr. Bochette but everyone refers to him as Liston–had a response that I thought was pretty good. He agreed that three hundred was an insane amount of edits, “but they are part of the polishing process.” The next part is especially good because he recalls his own experience as an artist: “When I draw a picture it takes forever to finish the details” (L. Bochette, personal communication, August 6, 2020).
On that note, I received a separate e-mail this morning from Josh notifying how far the brochure has come since we started. Of course, he said a few more changes would have to be made. One, in particular, was changing the photo on the front of the brochure or adding a medal that looked like what he had hand-drawn on the brochure. I am finishing up my review of the LAG units this evening, so I plan to tackle that tomorrow. To piggyback off what Liston said, we are polishing the brochure for maximum effect and the details are going to take a while. I have made no bones about that in past journal entries. I understand the purpose of revising and revising a document until it is perfect, but it is something that I do not do all that often.