Tonight was dedicated once again to looking over the Life After the Games units. A bit of a long undertaking and we are under a deadline to have edits submitted by the end of the week. At the same time, we want to be very thorough in making sure the appearance of the program is on the up and up. We will have one more meeting tomorrow before the due date. Again, we get closer and closer to rolling out an actual product, even though it doesn’t feel like it some days. I am just about to the end of my run with the course, I anticipate finishing it up tomorrow. That is really about the extent of the Life After the Games review.
What else I have going on in my wheelhouse is the brochure. It is amazing how much that document has changed. It started yellow and black but through edits became red and white. Yet the concept has stayed largely the same over time. I have another version to Josh, we will see what he has to say about it. Everything else is just kind of wait and see right now, with the main focus being to get the course itself ready to go. Once that is accomplished, it will all just sort of fall into place. I keep learning more about this exciting program the ICC is going to offer and the more I learn, the more I like it. We are headed in the right direction here.