Mentorship Journal

#46 August 4: Conference call, review LAG units – 1 hour 45 minutes

After fixing up the ICC website and listening to the interviews I conducted, I am back to looking at the units for the Life After the Games course itself. Friday is the deadline to make recommendations on edits for the content. We were to have a meeting today about the course but there were scheduling conflicts so we will shoot for our normal Thursday meeting. It is exciting that we have made it this far in the process, even though we still have a long way to go. Thinking back to those first few units, I will say that the LAG curriculum looks very promising. I never played a sport in high school or college, but for those who have competed at that level or beyond, I think the material will really speak to them. I am not just saying this to promote the product, I have been through it myself and believe it to be true.

Without giving too much away, I can tell you a little about what the focus of LAG is. The first part deals with what to do when an athlete knows it’s time to hang it up. Then there are the ways to prepare for a transition out of sport and into the workforce. The purpose of the course is consistent throughout, demonstrating how athletes’ skills in competition are beneficial to them in an office setting. Let’s be realistic, similarities do exist between sports and work, perhaps the most prominent is that desire to be the best there is. This course really will help athletes position themselves for success beyond sport.