Mentorship Journal

#44 August 2: Website revision – 1 hour 45 minutes

Markers indicate cities where Brian and the three ICC partners are located. (Google Maps)

I continue to work on making changes to the ICC website. There really is not a whole lot new to report on that front except that I will need another day to finish it. Since that took a whole thirty-four words to explain, let’s talk about some challenges with the mentorship in general. Do not get me wrong, I love that I get to be part of a brand new endeavor. That said, and I might have brought this up before, there is a bit of a communication barrier between me and the ICC partners dispersed across four states that do not border each other. Not to mention that for each of us, this is not the only thing going on in our lives. I work full-time, Liston has his political ambitions, Dr. Tiell teaches on top of this, and Josh–again, I do not believe I am at liberty to discuss his activities (don’t worry, nothing illegal).

Generally speaking, I think we are on the ball with our objectives, it is just a very slow process that I do not know how to simplify. From a personal standpoint, I could improve upon making myself more available to assist where needed. Some of the directives are a little above me, requiring specific expertise or connection to a person of prominence, but if the people that have those need my help in that regard, I would be happy to provide it. We are in a good spot, we just need to make sure the window of opportunity does not close on us.