Mentorship Journal

#33 July 21: Second interview, e-mail lookup – 2 hours

I have completed the second of the interviews that I need to for Tiffin Sports Management promotional material. This one was with Emily Egbers. She is the one who works with the Cincinnati Reds on fundraising initiatives and was part of my group in the Communication and Fundraising in Sport class that presented the marketing plan for reaching out to employees in baseball. Her experience in that realm was great to have and it was nice to be able to chat with her again about being a TU MBA student. I thank Emily for making time to have a conversation, even as she is busy preparing for the start of the delayed MLB season.

In that group project I mentioned, we all had different tasks and one of Emily’s was to find the contact information for representatives in Major and Minor League Baseball. That serves as a segue into the continuation of my review of those and other contacts. On Sunday, I had 113 addresses returned. I have been able to cut that number almost in half to 63, so that is a good sign. I keep plugging away with this and with the interviews. I have one more to go, Dr. Tiell is handling the fourth, as she wishes to have a separate conversation with that individual anyway. I am all about streamlining processes, so that works for me. Lots of things coming down the pipeline, especially with major sports starting to make their return into our lives after a long hiatus. It is a busy time to be certain.